Urusei Yatsura has always had a loyal following. Many and new and old
fans alike have been inspired enough by the characters and situations
created by Rumiko Takahashi in UY that it prompted them to write their
own versions of the series in the form of fanfiction. Some writers take
Takahashi's intentions to heart and try to follow her formula for storytelling
to the letter, many others will completely change it to their own variation
of Urusei Yatsura in a way that suits their tastes and styles. But
regardless of their style of writing, all of these writers should be
commended for putting so much effort into their works.
All of my files are in standard TXT format and have been categorized
according to type and subject matter. Also, if you want to use word-processing
programs (as opposed to ASCII editors) to view these files, you might want to
try Karsten Sethre's Reflow utility. Reflow rewrites
TXT files so that word processors can wrap them to fit the user's screen,
making the stories a tad easier to read.