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Keep the kettles boiling!
Sak's UY Fanfic Archive:
We all know that there's a lot of Ranma fanfiction out there. So much,
in fact, that you could spend ages wandering around before you found
anything worthwhile. Why waste all that time if you don't have to? Here
at Area 1/2 we waste time for you, hunting down enjoyable side-stories
and cleaning their files if necessary. You'll never have to hunt again!
(Well... at least not until you finish eating our stock, anyway.)
- Kunou's Excellent Adventure - John Biles
A choose your own adventure! You control the Horizontal! You control
the Vertical! You control the biggest clod in Nerima as he tries to beat
Ranma up with a stick!
Short Stories
- A Fate Worse Than... - Susan Doenime
If you can't push, pull. Genma and Soun finally figure out the flaw in
their previous schemes to wed Ranma and Akane.
- Yuuki - Joseph Palmer
When you open a shop in Nerima, there are certain rules you
simply must follow. Be mindful of these rules, for the consequences
of breaking them can be severe.
- Hammer to Fall - Sean Gaffney
In this time-spanning UY/Ranma story, we find out how Akane learned
to use those hammers.
- Little Girl Lost - Jaelle
Ryoga's desperation to attend a festival and Ucchan's
reluctance refresh long-forgotten memories.
- Blackmail - Paul Gallegos
When Nabiki's black book of financial secrets falls into
the wrong hands, she finds herself held capitve with her
own sword.
- Shampoo's Quest - John Biles
You have desire to marry Ranma. You also have no brain. Will you
trudge around looking for tornadoes and chugging Coca-cola, or stay and
let Mousse glomp you?
- Not Fair - Scott K. Jamison
Falling into the Spring of Drowned Girl forced Ranma to accept
a new side of himself and come to terms with the reality of his
situation -- a very adult attitude. But what if Ranma had fallen
into the Spring of Drowned LITTLE Girl?
- The Ends - Stefan Gagne
The cycle just keeps repeating itself over and over again. Where
will it all end? Do we really want to know?
- Nabiki and Kunou - Hurtle Hamster
We always knew that Nabiki and Kunou were meant for each other.
Now we know why.
- A Sick Fic - Aaron Shattuck
The name says it all -- This is probably the most diseased piece
of futurefic I've ever read. But it's funny anyway.
- Life's Dulse Moments - Leslie Mills
Warning: Puns can be harmful if swallowed in large quantities. Just
to be safe, avoid the seaweed, too.
- Star Trek: Yatsura 1/2 - Victor W. Wong
Stuff Lum, Ranma, and Sisko in a blender, and you've got a royally
weird adventure. In the wake of the Klingon takeover of Cardassian
space, our merged casts investigate the House of the Rose.
- Catling Rivalry - Brian Stricklin
Visiting Nerima on business with Nuku Nuku in tow, Akiko Natsume
finds herself taking a fresh look at her relationship with her "niece".
Happosai just wishes he didn't look so mouselike.
- The Seduction of Ataru - Inaba J.
When Lum starts taking seduction lessons from Ukyou, it doesn't take
long for things to get out of hand, or into them, for that matter.
A heavy-grade, multicrossover Lemon that makes little sense.
See Also
TASS.ORG's rec.arts.anime.crative Mirror
Or, more precisely, their RAAC Ranma Archive. This place is
unbelievably huge, in that they collect absolutely EVERY Ranma
fanfic posted to the newsgroup. So quite naturally, finding
good material in there can be quite a challenge. They've got some
good stuff, but it's not unlike digging for gold in a coal mine.
Good luck... you'll need it.
Daigakusei no Ranma / Daigakusei no Ukyou
Probably the only continuity fanfic series I've ever liked,
DNR/DNU continues the story of Ranma and the gang in college after
Ranma and Akane finally tie the knot. A collaberative work by
some of the best names in anime fanfiction, this site is
definitely worth a look.