Evil Things to do at Wal-Mart... ...while the wife is taking her sweet time Xmas shopping: ---=----------------------------------------------------------=--- 1. Get boxes of condoms & randomly put them in peoples carts when they are not looking. 2. Set all the alarm clocks to go off at 10 minute intervals. 3. Make a trail of orange juice on the floor to the restroom. 4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone "I think we have a code 3 in housewares," and see what happens. 5. Turn all the radios to a polka station, then turn them all off and turn the volumes to 10. 6. Challenge other customers to a duel with tubes of gift wrap. 7. Put M & M's on layaway. 8. Move "CAUTION-WET FLOOR" signs to carpet areas. 9. Set up a tent in the camping departments; tell others you'll only invite them if they bring pillows from the bedding department. 10. When someone asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask "Why won't you people leave me alone?" 11. Look right into the security camera and use it as a mirror while you pick your nose. 12. Take up an entire aisle in toys by setting up a full scale battlefield with G.I.Joes and X-Men. 13. Ask other customers if they have any Grey Poupon. 14. While handling guns in the hunting department ask the clerk if he knows where the antidepressants are. 15. Switch signs on the men and women's bathrooms. 16. Dart around suspiciously while humming the theme from "Mission Impossible." 17. Set up a "Valet Parking" sign out front. 18. In the auto department practice your Madonna look using different size funnels. 19. Hide in the clothing rack and when people browse through say "Pick me !! PICK ME!!!!!" 20. When announcement comes over the loud speaker assume the fetal position and scream "NO! NO! It's those voices again!!!!" 21. Go to the food court, get a soft drink, tell them you don't get out much and would they put one of those little umbrellas in it. 22. Go into the fitting room and yell real loud... "Hey, we're out of toilet paper in here!" -------------------- Jess Adds: -------------------- 23. Fill five baskets full of sanitary pads and leave them in the sports equipment department. 24. De-alphabatize the DVDs. 25. Strategically place stuffed animals throughout the store. Extra points for making an animal parade on the floor. 26. Put an opened Baby Ruth bar in the fishtanks. 27. Accost fellow shoppers and ask if they work here. Before they can answer, tell them about the horrible rash on your back and ask what they would reccommend to cure it. 28. Fire up the store barbeque and grill burgers for a beach party in aisle 11. 29. Play domnioes with the VHS tapes. Make sure part of the setup goes by the Customer Service desk. 30. Put romance books in the children's books section. 31. See if you can fit in one of the frozen food aisle compartments. Close the door and stand very still. If someone comes close without seeing you, tap the glass and look horrified.